So now I'm glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ may work through me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Are you allowing your weakness and insecurities to keep from being your best?
Are you making excuses as to why you can't take a new leadership position at work, or get involved in some program in your church, serve in your community, or help a friend in need?
Rather than giving too much attention to your insecurities and weaknesses, decide today to focus on your heart.
GOD loves to use ordinary people just like you and me to do extraordinary things.
You may not feel capable in your own strength, but that's okay. The apostle Paul said, "When we are weak, He is strong" (see 2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
God is not pleased when we mope around with a "poor me" attitude and a "weak worm of the dust" mentality. When you do that, you're allowing your self-image to be shaped by nonbiblical concepts that are contrary to God's opinion of you.
Yet many people do just that. Consequently, they feel insignificant and unworthy to received God's attention, much less His blessing. Their poor self image keeps them from excercising their God-given gifts and authority, and it robs them of experiencing the abundant life their heavenly Father wants them to have. Most often, the lack of joy and meaning in their lives is a direct result of how those individuals see themselves.
Beware of associating with or adopting the attitudes of people who, through their negative outlook and lack of self-esteem, will rob you of the greatness that God has for you. A classic illustration of this is recorded in the Old Testament, in Number 13 and 14. After God supernaturally helped Moses deliver the Hebrew people out og Egyptian slavery, they traveled to the border of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey. They camped right next door to the Promised Land, the place where God has promised His people they would prosper and have a fantastic future. But they have to fight for it.
God sees us as 'well able' people. Not because we are so powerful, but because our God is so powerful! When you face adversity and hardships in life, you can rise up with boldness and confidence, knowing that because of God, you are well able to overcome them.
Bacaan ini sebener'e blom selesai.
Tapi aku liat2 kok uda panjang.
Ntar cape bacanya trus minus kacamatanya nambah.^^
O ya, bacaan ini diambil dr buku Your Best Life Now,
karangan Joel Osteen.
Bagus y?
eh, itu seharuse ada enter antara bacaan ama commentku yang di bawah..
padahal aku krasa uda teken enter lho, kok ga kluar y..==
eh ya ampun
baru tau aku lek isa diedit
comment di atas dibatalkan
pancene wong ndeso iki..>.<
lho, ga isa sungguan
wes ga tau wes
pokoke tau maksudku to?
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